Good things take time to create...

We bring a world of exclusive scents for you to explore.

6th Anniversary 六週年紀念

Scented Niche as a sanctuary for Olfactory Connoisseurs since its establishment in 2018. We believes that olfactory masterpieces can only be achieved through the application of time-honored skills and deliberate, meticulous creation. In the years to come, Scented Niche will continue to invite discerning customers to indulge in its distinctive curation of global fragrance treasures. By providing access to limited-edition, artisanal scents, we aim to elevate the olfactory experiences of fragrance enthusiasts worldwide. Mendittorosa's first-ever popup store was an exciting milestone which we have recently achieved.

What we believe 我們的信念

At Scented Niche we believe that good things take time, all the masterpieces take time to create. There are diverse choices of fragrances in the market, most of their exquisite packaging are appealing. Yet, there are very limited high quality choices and only a few companies are dedicated to create masterpiece fragrances. Few of the niche fragrance brands can truly fulfill the original ideas and utilise the talent of perfumers to the extreme. Scented Niche hopes to create a relaxing ambience in this bustling city. Aiming to heal the tired souls with personalized fragrance experience, and at the same time offers scent lovers with exclusive independent owned perfumeries from all over the world.

New In 新品推介

We bring you new sensorial experience from time to time. 我們不時為顧客帶來嶄新感官體驗。


Past interviews, features and event highlights on Scented Niche
好多小眾牌子嘅香水同蠟燭 好好行 — Navis Lee
Great service! The staff are friendly, helpful and eager to introduce customers to great... — Katherine Leung
非常值得推薦的一間香港小眾香水店 裏面的店員對香水非常有熱情 很懂香水的資料 服務態度超級好👍🏻 … — Takkin Fung
Always pleasant to shop in with a lovely collection of niche perfumes. Staff is very... — Gloria Kwan
Scented Niche為大家在commercial brand以外帶來了很多特別的香水,個人特別喜愛menditorrosa與papillon系列,而trudon... — Nap Hei Wong
This perfume store is all the inspirations you will ever need on niche perfumes. … — Wen Lu
Wonderful service and personalized journey through the perfumes to find the perfect... — Viola Graef
係Scented Niche可以買到好多特別的香水、蠟燭、diffuser,而且店員好專業、親切!係我買香薰產品的不二之選! — Shinya Tan