Founder of Agar Aura, Taha grew up in Saudi Arabia, and it was during the 15 years spent there that he developed a love for perfume, and Arabian perfumery in particular. Agar Aura started out as a hobby; Taha Syed wanted to share his passion with the world. But business quickly picked up, and today he’s happy to be one of the very few sellers world-wide who specialize in pure oud oil and attar of exceptional quality.
“most oud oils available to the public are adulterated. In some cases, there is not a drop of the real stuff in the bottle.” said Taha
Agar Aura caters specifically to the niche sector of the oud market. Our focus is on quality, purity and rarity. We believe that the difference between high and low quality oils is so huge that they should be treated as two separate fragrances altogether.